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- | Contents of the directory comm : Communications
- |------------------------------------------------
- acccheck.lha comm/bbs 10K 2+Stop blacklisted user from logging on
- ALC_RC10.lha comm/bbs 3K 2+Check & strip or add to archives
- ALC_RCFX.lha comm/bbs 2K 2+Minor bug fix for RealCheck v1.0
- avh_bc01.lha comm/bbs 3K 2+Stop low baud users logging on
- avh_kl02.lha comm/bbs 5K 2+Checks if a user is validated
- avh_pm01.lha comm/bbs 3K 2+Alernative front end
- bjscn166.lha comm/bbs 16K 2+Reverse file lister
- CAR.lha comm/bbs 9K 2+Online car racing game
- cddc_10.lha comm/bbs 10K 2+Full CD access
- mv_deldup.lha comm/bbs 5K 2+Delete dupe messages in DayDream message
- QN07.lha comm/bbs 7K 10+Quick Note For Daydream
- sertrans20.lha comm/bbs 650K 4+Shell as BBS? Accessable via Internet?
- Sys_InfoV2.lha comm/bbs 48K 9+Shows some system Information to your us
- trion110inf.lha comm/bbs 132K 5+Trion Shareware BBS info package V1.10
- 1ooCFl11.lha comm/cnet 7K 10+1oo% C/Flags - edit item-flags quick&eas
- 1ooCSel1.lha comm/cnet 8K 10+1oo% C/Justice - add files to user's sel
- cnet_pager.lha comm/cnet 223K 8+Chat Pager Using RexxReqTools Requestors
- elevatetag.lha comm/fido 43K 7+ElevateTag V1.2 (Tagline adder, or to c
- MCF_Buttons.lha comm/irc 47K 8+Buttons for all your AmIRC Clients.
- TeaBot.lha comm/irc 34K 6+Friendly IRC BOT addon for AmIRC !
- XdccGet.lha comm/irc 23K 3+Full Mouse/Keyboard GUI for XDCC leechin
- AEMail.lha comm/mail 548K 3+AEMail 1.51 E-Mail GUI w MIME/UUENCODE
- Elevatetag.lha comm/mail 3K 7+ElevateTag V1.00 (Add a single tagline t
- Eucalyptus.lha comm/mail 559K 2+Powerful MIME e-mail program. V1.0 publ
- iris.lha comm/mail 265K 2+Email client (SMTP/POP3) V1.4
- IrisUpdate.lha comm/mail 45K 2+Update Iris V1.3 to V1.4
- Iris_GTB.lha comm/mail 5K 9+4 colour buttons for Iris
- MagicReader.lha comm/mail 100K 5+Nice MUI offline reader
- md2yam.lha comm/mail 1K 5+Convert MD2 addressbook to YAM V2
- Monsoo090up.lha comm/mail 146K 2+Updates Monsoon from 0.8x to 0.90d
- Monsoon090.lha comm/mail 183K 2+Mail editor, supports E-Mail/News/Fido.
- MPDMailpostV2b.lha comm/mail 121K 9+*FIXED* Multiple Mail Maker. Now has YAM
- Multiplez.lha comm/mail 2K 9+Multiple Email creator
- PineAB2YAM.lha comm/mail 1K 4+Create YAM addressbook file from Pine ab
- SignSelect.lha comm/mail 12K 8+Random quotes for mail. Update.
- weazel.lha comm/mail 10K 5+Sends e-mail via POP3 using XTND XMIT
- Yam2URL.lha comm/mail 4K 4+Go to URL or view HTML in YAM 2.x
- YToolsNG.lha comm/mail 57K 3+V1.2 Rewrap, reformat, unmime YAM files
- yvutil.lha comm/mail 3K 6+2 scripts for Voyager v2.95+ and YAM v2.
- AFL_Tips.lha comm/maxs 11K 10+Tipping Set Up For The Sport AFL
- CallBBS.lha comm/maxs 5K 10+Add & Display Other Bulletin Boards
- CreditCard.lha comm/maxs 9K 6+Credit Cards door for online ordering.
- DirScanner_14.lha comm/maxs 69K 2+Creates CD Configs for KewlCDPro, 1.4
- FB10.lha comm/maxs 50K 4+FB - The fastest Max's filebase on earth
- FFL_v13.lha comm/maxs 14K 10+Allows Quick Login For SysOps/Users
- FLE_095.lha comm/maxs 179K 5+File Lister Express (FLE) Version 0.95 (
- FLE_096.lha comm/maxs 254K 3+File Lister Express (FLE) v0.96 (Final)
- FLE_Source.lha comm/maxs 174K 3+File Lister Express (FLE) Full Source Co
- Fluffy_Guide.lha comm/maxs 19K 3+Fluffy Net Guide (25-Apr-98)
- isminewars.lha comm/maxs 31K 4+MAXs game door, Interstella Mine Wars.
- KewlPage_27.lha comm/maxs 139K 2+A feature packed pager door :), 2.7
- MagicFile_42.lha comm/maxs 151K 8+Automated file menus+more for MAXs, 4.2
- MAXs_0498.lha comm/maxs 90K 3+Files List: all MAXs related files
- New_User_v2.lha comm/maxs 12K 6+GREMLiNS login sequence for New Users. v
- No_Password.lha comm/maxs 22K 6+Users can leave msg for their Password.
- offpeak01.lha comm/maxs 19K 4+Give users more time during offpeaks.
- PhoneInfo_15.lha comm/maxs 62K 2+Tells users how much their call costs, 1
- t_free12.lha comm/maxs 3K 4+True free downloads door, for maxs.
- USER_MSG_v35.lha comm/maxs 10K 4+Another Maxs User leave Msg door.
- 7plusToGui.lha comm/misc 41K 2+GUI for 7plus
- amicas.lha comm/misc 329K 5+Tranfer programs from/to casio CFX-9850G
- AminetFilter.lha comm/misc 16K 4+1.2 - Process posts of Aminet MailLists
- ami_ti.lha comm/misc 17K 6+*NEW* TI-8x <-> Amiga link program
- atomic.lha comm/misc 5K 5+Amiga Worldwide Atomic Clock Synchronize
- bZ_ZConnectLib.lha comm/misc 42K 8+Easy processing of ZConnect msg buffers
- CrashCheck.lha comm/misc 13K 4+1.0 - Fixes up Miami logs after crash
- EMail2STFax.lha comm/misc 2K 4+E-mail->fax gateway using STFax
- FiDED39547.lha comm/misc 48K 5+Extracts Fileinfo (MP3/Aminet/diz suppor
- LiveCam.lha comm/misc 187K 6+Your own LiveCam using VLab+CyberGfx - P
- MailFilter.lha comm/misc 133K 4+Filterprogram for the ZConnect-Format (g
- MakeFTPScript.lha comm/misc 2K 4+Make FTP script for UNIX system (V1.2)
- MiamiLog2.lha comm/misc 16K 2+Nice&simple Miami phone log parser w/src
- movelog.lha comm/misc 15K 7+Keeps AmiTCP & servers online for you
- OC413pro.lha comm/misc 63K 10+Indirect Telefon Costs/Time Calculator (
- PData352.lha comm/misc 45K 9+PData, transfers files between C64 and A
- phonewizard13.lha comm/misc 156K 3+Answerphone for voice modems, V1.3
- RecentScript.lha comm/misc 67K 9+Scripts from AmiNetIndex w. MUIRexx V1.7
- rnbr.lha comm/misc 51K 6+Amateur Radio range&bearing v0.10
- SendSMS.lha comm/misc 16K 3+SendSMS v0.5 for EMail2SMS Gateways
- smsmaster.lha comm/misc 112K 2+Send messages to mobile phones
- TTimeDeluxe.lha comm/misc 530K 2+Displays Phonecosts online (Germany only
- UFT_Istec.lha comm/misc 130K 4+Configtool for Istec-Phonedevice
- WMBListV1_0.lha comm/misc 288K 8+Germ. BBS-List for WWW-BROWSER(WMB V.1.0
- AMarquee1_48.lha comm/net 234K 5+(68000 bugfix) TCP Data broadcast system
- AmiComSysMUI.lha comm/net 178K 2+V1.18b Personal Communicator (MUI) Needs
- amipx1_23.lha comm/net 50K 3+IPX support for the Amiga
- INET_Offline.lzh comm/net 1K 9+Show I-Net 225 Online time & phone no. i
- INET_Online.lzh comm/net 1K 9+Show I-Net 225 Online time & phone no. i
- LT_UNIX255.lha comm/net 328K 5+Sistema Operacional LT-Unix, "Only portu
- OffLine.lzh comm/net 1K 9+Send Offline signal to Online.miami
- OnlineCon1_2.lzh comm/net 1K 9+Show Reg. Miami Online time & phone no.
- PassiveOffLine.lzh comm/net 1K 9+Send PassiveOffline signal to Online.mia
- WorldNews89p.lha comm/news 575K 3+World News 0.89 news reader
- AmFinger1_5.lha comm/tcp 53K 5+MUI GUI Finger Client (1.5)
- AmiPhone.lha comm/tcp 195K 9+V1.93: AmiTCP based voice chat program
- AmIRCMPEGA.lha comm/tcp 2K 5+Mpega script for AmIRC
- AmIRCSounds.lha comm/tcp 40K 6+Minimalistic sounds set for AmIRC
- amphone191.lha comm/tcp 10K 2+Use "miami.phone" to calculate Internet
- AmyMlDyn220.lha comm/tcp 9K 6+AmyMlDyn v2.20 - *THE* Monolith DynDNS C
- BSP_WAEchoD.lha comm/tcp 7K 8+Internet Telnet Pager System
- DCTel_14.lha comm/tcp 119K 8+DCTelnet Client 1.4 with file transfers
- FTPMount_upd.lha comm/tcp 35K 3+Mounts FTP sites as part of a filesystem
- hpy.lha comm/tcp 22K 2+Automatic offline with Miami v1.3
- LedA131.lha comm/tcp 81K 3+Frontend/On-line time logger for AmiTCP
- Miami3_0_Fr.lha comm/tcp 10K 9+French catalog for Miami 3.0a (H. Kruse)
- Onlin201.lha comm/tcp 373K 2+Online V2.01 [GERMAN] *THE* onlinecounte
- PowerWEB.lha comm/tcp 85K 7+V2.0 Easy-to-use Amiga Web Server.
- rxsocket.lha comm/tcp 26K 5+Bsdsocket functions for arexx macro
- SAFT.lha comm/tcp 69K 10+Clients for the SAFT protocol
- TOnline_PPP.lha comm/tcp 282K 6+German TOnline-FAQ.(Internet,BTX,KIT)
- VCON.lha comm/tcp 29K 5+Telnet Daemon v0.2
- WebFTP_DEMO.lha comm/tcp 61K 8+WWW maintenance made easy. (ClassAct)
- WebTV11.lha comm/tcp 77K 10+The ultimate webcam viewer (MUI)
- AutoReply.lha comm/thor 11K 7+Auto mail responder for use with Thor
- DLManager.lha comm/thor 7K 5+DLManager v1.7 - Distribution List Manag
- ProcessEvents2.lha comm/thor 23K 2+Process Thor Events II V1.3
- ReturnReceipt.lha comm/thor 6K 3+Automagically creates receipt messages V
- SafeEdit.lha comm/thor 2K 7+Prevents posting unedited messages with
- thor25_esp.lha comm/thor 13K 6+*Official* spanish translation for THOR
- thor_dvi.lha comm/thor 89K 6+Thor 2.5 docs in DVI format
- thor_pdf.lha comm/thor 342K 6+Thor 2.5 docs in PDF (Portable Document
- thor_ps.lha comm/thor 162K 6+Thor 2.5 docs in Postscript format
- billingkom.lha comm/ums 95K 3+Console-based UMS newsreader, source inc
- umszco.lha comm/ums 96K 5+V1.4,ZConnect im-/exporter. German only
- DanNews.lha comm/uucp 22K 9+Fast, low mem NNTP/UUCP news unbatcher
- FakeUUCP0_37.lha comm/uucp 51K 2+NNTP/POP3 <> UUCP module for MicroDot
- TaylorUUCP1_06.lha comm/uucp 674K 6+Amiga port of Taylor UUCP 1.06.1 , a Un*
- 1stLinkChe_GUI.lha comm/www 148K 8+LinkChecker in HTML-Pages GUI (2.0b3)
- 2b_Cashana.lha comm/www 24K 4+Changes your IBrowse cache to HTML docum
- AminetReo.lha comm/www 2K 2+Reorganise Aminet downloads
- autoindex2d.lha comm/www 26K 9+Generates html doc to view pictures with
- AWebJFIF.lha comm/www 38K 10+AWeb-II 'official' JFIF/JPEG plugin v1.3
- AWebPNG.lha comm/www 40K 10+AWeb-II 'official' PNG plugin v1.2
- BookCon.lha comm/www 85K 7+Bookmark/Hotlist converter with GUI - fi
- Htmlchecker.lha comm/www 8K 9+Quick HTML syntax and spelling checker
- HTMLtoTeX.lha comm/www 29K 4+V2.1, Converts HTML files into LaTeX2e d
- HTTPResume.lha comm/www 33K 3+Resume interrupted HTTP downloads
- Hyptas.lha comm/www 1K 6+V1.0 Strips HTML tags from files
- IB2Mozilla.lha comm/www 6K 6+1.3:Patch IBrowse1.2 spoof as Netscape
- IBNewlook.lha comm/www 12K 5+New Buttons & Images for IBrowse 1.2
- IBrowseScripts.lha comm/www 126K 3+V1.51 Handy scripts for IB and more
- IBrowse_ger.lha comm/www 7K 5+German catalog file for IBrowse 1.2
- IB_WebImages.lha comm/www 11K 4+Official IBrowse buttons - for Webpages!
- rexxproxy.lha comm/www 4K 2+Configurable ARexx-based proxy server
- shadowed_earth.lha comm/www 75K 8+Another def_TransferAnimation for IBrows
- Televideo255.lha comm/www 115K 2+Televideo v2.55 - Show Italian Televideo
- URLScan.lha comm/www 17K 2+Copies URLs from a text file to the clip
- WebDesgnNoLib.lha comm/www 182K 9+Html editor v1.9n with Iconify
- WebDesign.lha comm/www 297K 9+Html editor v1.9n with Iconify
- WebFX.lha comm/www 536K 6+(V2.10) The best tool for Web Designers
- ZT_IBrowsePix.lha comm/www 6K 8+Def_Picture for IBrowse 1.2